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Clues beginning to emerge on asymtomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection
Back in November of 2020, during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, I was teaching an in-person microbiology laboratory. One of my students had just been home to see his parents, and they all c…
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Could there maybe be better uses of genetics and probiotics?
Professor Meng Dong and his laboratory have created a probiotic that can metabolize alcohol quickly and maybe prevent some of the adverse effects of alcohol consumption. The scientists cloned a highl…
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ChatGPT is not the end of essays in education
The takeover of AI is upon us! AI can now take all our jobs, is the click-bait premise you hear from the news. While I cannot predict the future, I am dubious that AI will play such a dubious role in…
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Fighting infections with infections
Multi-drug-resistant bacterial infections are becoming more of an issue, with 1.2 million people dying of previously treatable bacterial infections. Scientists are frantically searching for new metho…
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A tale of two colleges
COVID-19 at the University of Wisconsin this fall has been pretty much a non-issue. While we are wearing masks, full in-person teaching is happening on campus. Bars, restaurants, and all other busine…
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Inflammatory Response Turned off for Allergic Asthma and CODP Patients


Inflammation is a type of immune system response to injury or irritation.  This response is problematic to the individuals who have asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), though.  Asthma is a lung disease that causes inflammation and narrowing of the bronchi of the lungs, which makes it hard for people with asthma to breathe.  COPD is also a lung disease which causes poor air flow to the lungs due to inflammation, also making it hard for the individual to breathe.  Japanese researchers have gained knowledge on two specific receptors that respond to an inflammatory molecule known as “leukotriene B4,” which is found within individuals who have allergic asthma and COPD.  Prior to their findings, they believed that BLT1 and BLT2 receptors promoted this inflammation, when in fact, they actually have opposite roles.  BLT1 does promote inflammation, but the new finding is that BLT2 weakens the inflammation.

To test their findings, the deletion of BLT2-gene in mice versus normal mice was observed.  The mice had to inhale allergens in order to stimulate an allergic asthma reaction.  There were more inflammatory cells, along with an increase of interleukin-13, in the lungs of the BLT2-gene deleted mice than there were in the normal mice.  Interleukin-13 is a “mediator of allergic inflammation from T lymphocytes.”  Because of the results, it is believed that a more effective anti-leukotriene B4 drug can be made.  The leukotriene B4 drug right now blocks the pathways caused by the two different receptors; but since there is a better understanding of the roles of the receptors, creating a drug to target the two receptors differently and or separately will be more effective.